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8 posts found

Risk and health-promoting factors in the healthcare sector – organisational factors of importance to the health of employees

The Swedish Government has tasked the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise to collect and compile knowledge about work environment risks and health-promoting factors among healthcare professionals. The Government task is underpinned by an ambition to offer everyone a sustainable, safe and healthy working life, including through a good work environment.This systematic literature review is part of the agency’s reporting on its government assigned task to “collect and compile knowledge about work environment risks and health-promoting factors among healthcare professionals” (Ref. No. S2021/06572 [in part]).

  • Date2024/03/20
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  • Type
    • Literature review

Leadership for health and well-being

This report presents a literature review of research on the importance of leadership for employee health and well-being.

  • Date2020/06/25
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  • Type
    • Literature review

Organizational Change Competence in Workplaces

This report presents a literature review focused on research that has examined which factors are deemed important in creating a high level of change competence in workplaces.

  • Date2020/06/25
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  • Type
    • Literature review